Unique backsplashes for your kitchen

Make a difference in your kitchen backsplash by using eye-catching materials such as colored tiles, mirrored glass or even stainless steel.

Backsplash is the part that is installed between the countertop and the kitchen wall unit and usually has a height of between 40 and 65 cm. Its function? Well, in addition to protecting the kitchen wall from splashes of food, oil or any other substance that can make it dirty, it adds character and elegance to your kitchen.

Carefully choose the ideal backsplash material for your kitchen backsplash.

Choosing the ideal backsplash for our kitchen is not a simple task, it is not a simple upholstery that you have to put just because, do not choose any material or even because it is on sale at the store. The ideal backsplash varies from one person to another and has more to do with personality, it is definitely a matter of style and personal taste. That's why you should take your time and choose the right one.

Remember that it is in the kitchen where we spend long hours. Either alone preparing our favorite foods or sharing them with family and friends. So the backsplash material you are going to choose for your kitchen backsplash should not only contribute to the decoration, but also connect harmoniously with the other spaces in the house.

What material is best for the kitchen backsplash?

Just as there are infinite options for every taste, there are also options for every budget. So before choosing the material for the kitchen backsplash, you should be clear about everything related to the design, material and color that you will use in the countertops and furniture. As we said above: everything must connect harmoniously, providing style and character to your kitchen.

Although we mentioned the standard measurements of what usually measures a backsplash. You should also know that it is a matter of creativity and innovation, personal tastes of each client. 

Mientras unos optan por poner el revestimiento solo en la parte trasera, donde se encuentra la cocina, que es la parte de la pared que suele ensuciarse por las salpicaduras de comida al cocinar. otros optan por extenderlo hasta el techo, esta técnica está en plena tendencia. por cierto, sobre todo en cocinas pequeñas, para crear un amplio impacto visual. 

Realmente la durabilidad depende mucho del cuidado y mantenimiento que le demos. Sin embargo, hay materiales que son más resistentes y duraderos que otros.

And now, let's choose the material taking into account your personal requirements.

Wood kitchen backsplash

Wood has the power to imbue any environment with style, especially if we take meticulous care of the details. Give your kitchen a timeless and warm look by using wood or a material that looks like wood. 

Wood backsplashes never go out of style and are an excellent choice to give a contemporary touch to your kitchen.

Now the market offers materials that do not need as much care as wood but at first glance is wood. Are very easy to clean and install. The most importantly you find them in a variety of colors which is a plus when it comes to combine.

Backsplashes de cocina de cerámica 

There are endless options on the market: porcelain tiles, decorated ceramics, glazed stoneware and porcelain stoneware. 

Take into account that the ceramic used for kitchen should have a minimum level of porosity. This ensures a more water resistant coating, easy to clean oils or food stains. So it is a point in favor of porcelain tiles.

There is an infinite variety of ceramic kitchen backsplash designs.

Another important point in favor of ceramics, tiles and its derivatives, is that they are usually more resistant to temperature changes caused by the heat of the kitchen. Although it will depend largely on the material and thickness of the same.

Marble and quartz backsplash for kitchens

This material every day is reinvented and new ways to use it to give life to the spaces arise. If you are inspired by vintage, this can be a good option to achieve this effect. 

Quartz backsplashes are ideal to give that luxurious and elegant touch to your kitchen backsplash.

About marble you should know that because of the type of material, it can absorb stains, because they are easily impregnated into the wall. This because we are talking about a porous surface. So you will have to be especially careful that nothing splashes on it. You can also use some type of waterproofing to seal it and prevent it from staining.

3D effect dashboard and vinyl for your kitchen backsplash

Kitchen blacksplash mosaic vinil

This option has become popular nowadays apart from its varied designs and affordable price. There are infinite options and in most cases you can install it without professional help. Cleaning the area well and placing the material adhered to the wall very carefully. 

Stainless steel kitchen backsplash

If we must mention a material that in addition to resistance, brings to kitchens an elegant and professional industrial touch, then let's talk about stainless steel. Although it is used more for industrial kitchens, combined with another material such as quartz or the material of your choice, you can achieve a beautiful and sophisticated design.

Stainless steel kitchen backsplashes are an almost always used option for industrial kitchens.

Although it is easy to clean, you must be careful because it scratches easily.

Crystal glass backsplash for kitchen

We know you would love this coating. It is a versatile material with many points in its favor: easy to clean and resistant to high temperatures. You must clean it with the right liquid if you want to keep its shine. 

Glass kitchen backsplash is an elegant and trendy option.

Tips: The gold color is in full trend. You can combine it in some details of your kitchen: the sink faucet or the furniture pulls. This combined with the material you choose for your backsplash will give the touch of glamour you are looking for.

Gold color es full trend to details for kitchen backsplash


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